Aloha peeps i'm back and posting like so soon again... anyway went for a birthday party last night.. well it wasn't the kinda party where u wld associate with chicks booze and sex.. haha more like one with lotsa kids, kids and more kids.. haha yes a kiddie party.. The daughter of me mums fren.. a family thats quite close to us...
For those of you who know me well you'll be glad to know that i met someone there last night.. And shes the cutest, and shes gonna be my gf.. Her names michelle.. Anyway heres the pics from the bdae last night.. and i'll point out michelle to you..! =]
Thats the Birthday gal...
And look at the adorable cupcakes!!! I managed to get 1 of the 3 choco cupcakes.. haha or at least what was left of it...
And thats michelle on the left.. The cutest gal at the party.. =]
Am i too old for her?? Sobss =[
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Posted by
8:20 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Howdy ho bloggie and to all those who read my blog, including stalkers of this blog.. Cough cough..
Well schools been great so far, nice to be back in school ogling at girls... Glad to clear all my modules thou it wasn't exactly with flying colors.. i guess i shldn't be giving excuses, thou it hasn't exactly been a great yr for me..
Well it seems that i'm almost at that corner where i can put things behind me and move on, but you know me i'm not quite there yet.. i just need a kick up my ass to make me stop reminiscing on memories that drag me down.. i wonder why... How was it that i fell so deep? Got so emotionally attached to someone that it affected my life... So hopefully its a last sprint to that corner and hopefully i don't look back...
Looking forward to dating again, thou i hate the whole process... Ha ha. Thanks Ms Trophy for setting up that date or more like introducing her to me.. thou i don't really know if there would any chemistry between us for that part.. Well but shes hot and i kinda like talking to her so far... =] But i guess this is really the wrong timing with exams and assignments all coming up... I wonder if she'll like me...
So i don't wanna keep my hopes up... I guess just go with the flow, if things happen then they do...
Haha yeap and i would only refer to u as trophy cause i would always forget ur name.. hehe sorry.. I would like always go.. Ermm hey what's her name again?
And woo i finally got off my ass and exercised today.. waahaha but it was only a 3k run.. well my friend said "might as well dun run".... well i think its better than nothing... Slowly i would increase my mileage.. A few things i would wanna do in the next few years... Like complete another 21km and a full marathon.. maybe a triathlon or 2...
Anyway i think i need to get down to my studies.. i've been slacking too much.. so time to hit the books... til next time...
Posted by
9:36 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Mr Gorgeous
<---Hey Gorgeous Host "Lovely Fiona." Ooh la la.. Hot hot Its been a while my dear bloggie... Last night caught the episode of Hey gorgeous on channel U.. thou there were no subtitles to ease my misery.. it was quite interesting esp when jason was on the show for 2secs.. Well now that u'r a celeb do not forget me fren... Fiona Xie is hot as ever and i liked the chick with the permed hair.. she would have my vote.... =] Shes not the prettiest but i love her hair and her smile.. =] shes got a lovely smile.. haha Well i get to see in sch on occasions.. with that kinda funky hairdo its hard to not see her around, if u know what i mean... Anyway i find myself giving advice to people about love and relationships when i myself am like stuck in a hole... I lie to myself and to her that i'm much better but am i really? I find myself missing her so much... It really doesn't help to be strangers but i guess it would not help being friends either huh? Just wanna hold her again, to taste her sweet lips again.. sigh...when will all this feelings evaporate into thin air... I so wanna move on.. Thats what i tell myself but its not what I'm letting myself do.. I really felt that she was my soul mate.. but apparently she felt that relationships are meaningless... and that time is better spent chasing material possessions and furthering one's career and money making opportunities... Money is everything i guess.. perhaps if i was rich? Will it overshadow my race and gimme a better rate of being with her... Right now relationships all seem so transitory, everyones in a rs just for the sake of being in one.. to be able to feel special and loved.. and after a while it all gets boring and stuff but that was what normally happened i guessed but why was it so different for this gal? will i ever feel the same again for another girl? Only time will tell.. I've to get ready soon.. I'll be back soon bloggie.. Ciaoz.. I wonder if anyone reads my blog? haha take care everyone ... Mr Hey Gorgeous With 187 votes.. haha =] My Friend Jason with his 2 secs of fame..
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9:11 AM