Friday, September 08, 2006

Men have a problem talking to other men....

Quote : Men talk, but rarely about anything personal. Recent research on friendship ... has shown that male relationships are based on shared activities: men tend to do things together rather than simply be together.... Female friendships, particularly close friendships, are usually based on self-disclosure, or on talking about intimate aspects of their lives.

Well i think this is so true, most men in fact probably all men do not talk about personal stuff to other guys, it the girls that guys seek to confide in maybe because its something related to the motherly figure kinda thing or maybe its just the " machoism ", you wouldn't wanna sound like a wimp and its probably the ego which stops you from doing so...

Anyway in view of a lighter note, my birthday is next week and you're not by my side, do you even remember?? . Even now i'm thinking abt you, wanna say so much to you yet i have to hold back. Anyways been shopping recently bought a couple of tops even thou i shldn't really be doing so in view of my depleted savings... working hasn't brought in a great deal of money either, juz abt $400 buckeroos. and i've spent 1/4 of it... sighs

Wanted to get a new shoe to but can't decide what to get, wish i could go shopping with you, haha you always had great taste or so you claimed... Haha remember when i first met you... i kept raving about your top, so much so that you told me to go and get one for myself...

Anyway i don't belief that you actually asked me if i had a new gf.. You know how much you mean to me. I will wait for you if you want me to.... I've no interest in being with another girl when i just wanna be with you... Well i mean if you really are seeing someone else i just hopeyou tell me and don't give me hope that maybe someday we can still betogether...

Well see ya, shawn signing out..... : [

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