Monday, November 13, 2006

Time cures it all... doesn't it?

I guess as time flies you tend to forget about the heartache that you've been through, so everyday i think less of her... and as time goes by i hope to just remember the good times we spent together and forget this irritating feeling that has troubled me since she left. I've to admit it sucks and to think that i've done this to other girls, maybe its just karma hitting me back. Well karma fuck you and all your little buddies...

Everyones busy, with their own lives ... All preparing for their exams and stuff but mines like next year. As Nageb would put it my mighty mouse degree is gonna be a tough ride, maybe i should have taken another course... Probably a mickey mouse degree... Well PBf is a blur and econs is right around the corner... Maths and stats are ok thou i seriously need practice and ibm is much like history and theories alot of key concepts to get processed and stored in my ever depleting memory. Well i have to do well...

Adios blogger, til next time... Time to hit the sack... Errm i mean books
Miss you dearie... :[

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