Heres a photo of the 4 of us.. :]Well from what was an original size of a football team suppose to meet up for a kickabout, we somehow ended uo with 4 players plus a fren of si wei which made it 5, but apparently the people who play there do so with 6 in a team so now we were short of a player due to the last minute pulling out Sir Gang... Haha left us high and dry. So it was an hours ride to telok blangah from woodlands, but it was fun thou we lost a few times.
Anyway there was another gathering today which i totally forgot about some of the guys were going to suntec for lunch and a movie, i think it might be nacho libre. Well sorry it slipped my mind...
Well til next time then guys...
Monday, July 24, 2006
A very small get together...
Posted by
5:39 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
Saw this on someones blog, its so cute had to "borrow " it....
The baby in blue seems bored and is yawning.... ^^
Hmmmph close your mouth when you yawn..!!
Posted by
6:24 PM
Bakey time
Well have been doing quite a bit of baking recently and its actually quite fun but taxing on the stomach thou... And so when i told you yesterday, Ms Chai that i was gonna make something....
Well i was gonna bake more brownies... Yes more to add to the tyre thats inflating around my waist and quite rapidly too.
Up until now i've been using instant brownie mix, so my next batch of brownies will be self made.. Hope it wouldn't be too much of a hastle... You don't have to make the fudge for 1st attempt, the base is good enough the fudge is something extra that you can make... I think :] Not too sure thou let me try it out 1st...
Well i'll be offering some brownies to the ever hungry ghost "fatty Chai" but i doubt she'll even eat one piece due to her insisting that she'll put on weight but hey look at me i've eaten probably a few truckloads of brownies but no extra inches can be seen as of now... When i'm wearing a top that is... Well you can add the brownies to your krispy kremes.. Hehe
Well heres to you Hungry Ghost, this's for you, made specially with love... Haha more like instant brownie mix... :]
Hmm looks delicious doesn't it... These are the last few pieces left in the house, hope my brothers don't find it...
Posted by
5:44 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tomb of boredom
Well since boredom is etched on my forehead right now, i decided to go through some photos of mine and just revisit some of my past doings... Came across some photos of me in indonesia during my military trip there. Well travelling is something i would love to do, thou unlike some of my more fortunate friends i do not possess an account overflowing with dough for me to be lavishing myself with or in this case go backpacking or any forms of travelling even if it is taking a cab... Hehe well the price of taking cabs has just gone up... :[
The most i can do is to travel across the border and into Malaysia, thats abt as far as i go... No costly plane tickets, not much travelling expenses just a bus across and from there, i could just basically go on foot. Well whats there to do in malaysia, you may ask.. Well i don't know actually... Well all i know is that i just basically buy some movies to watch and maybe a bit of shopping.
But there are few things that i'd like to do someday soon... And i thing you can do it in malaysia like white water rafting and scuba diving. Iwould also like to do bungee jumping and free falling and i dun think they have these in malaysia or then again they might just have... Thou not your average daily activities but i'm just jotting them down to name a few, these are some of the things that i'd like to experience in the somewhat near future... Thou i've jumped out of the plane a few times during my time in the army i'm guessing the feeling of free fall will definately be more exhilarating.. As long as my main and reserve chute don't malfunction that is... Haha i better bring my own personal rigger along...
Well the furthest that i've gone out of singapore will unfornately have to be indonesia or is brunei further?? haha Its not that its a bad country or anything its just that i can't go any further... I would like to go places like china, japan india blah blah blah but like i said before, if only... :[
Well indonesia was a good experience though having been in a somewhat hostage like situation...
And mixing around with the folks there... i liked the place the food was nice but i guess my stomach wasn't used to it or maybe not used to the water. Aigh got a sensitive stomach... Even nasi lemak from changi village upsets my stomach but thats not gonna stop me from having more...
Well when i have time i'll post some of my indo trip photos... Well i actually have the time now but i'm just too freaking lazy...
Anyway you don't answer your phone half the time and still say i never call...!!
Woof Woof...
Posted by
11:45 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
It’s been 5 years in the movie since Superman (Brandon Routh) mysteriously disappeared. Apparently he went back in search of his home planet Krypton, encouraged by rumors that his dead home world may not be so dead after all by certain scientists. And returned home to earth after finding nothing. But i didn't understand the part abt "burying something" this was in the scene he was talking to his mum martha kent. Well anyway he returns to find louis married well actually she hasn't tied the knot. And clark i mean kal-el is not too happy. Well anyway he got stabbed by a knife made of krytonite, man i thought he was going to die... Anyway catch the show i think its quite nice. Well probably cause i like superman.
Then there’s Lois’ 5 year old son, Jason.
Hey, didn't Superman leave Lois 5 years ago?
Anyway watched the movie with my truely beloved, hope you enjoyed it. Thou you were super slack... Guess we had a super good time yeah :]
Posted by
1:10 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Well the world cup is over and Italy are the champions, but this game will be
remembered forever as the game in which zinedine zidane played his last official game, as he has planned his retirement from football after this tournament.
Zinedine Zidane or Zizou as they call him affectionately is considered by many as one of best soccer players ever and also the most expensive, as Real Madrid had transferred him over for US$66 million from Juventus. I think that the record still stands...
This man will always be remembered as a legend for years to come and even after i'm gone.... He's a winner, a leader and even thou he bowed out of football unceremoniously, he will always be one of the greats maybe even the greatest of the 21st century.
Zidane has captured the World Cup, the European Championship and League Cups and titles in France, Italy and Spain
Apparently the defender whom he gave the headbutt to said something about him...
Some say he called him a terrorist and told him to play for his own country.... Because he's an algerian... Well italy had an argentinian in they're side as well so i don't think they have a case to argue about.
This is from bbc i think, they used a lip reader or something:
"i wish death to you and your family"
and "go f*ck yourself"
Zidane found that his mom was in hospital, just before the match.
he never said anything racist...he still deserved it thou...
on ITV news, they claim he said
"i slept with your mother last night"
and "your mother is an Algerian whore"
Posted by
11:38 AM
Up there with Eric "the King"Cantona's Kung-Fu kick and Wayne Rooney's nut crunch :]
Up there with Eric "the King"Cantona's Kung-Fu kick and Wayne Rooney's nut crunch :]
Well the gifs below are something that i took off some websites. Quite hilarious... Its about him and the headbutt which he got red carded for...
Flawless Victory, Fatality...
Back at you zidane
Oh no watch out...
Posted by
11:28 AM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Increasingly bored
Well my life is so freaking stale and boring that i find myself playing ridiculous online games that make no sense. Well i'm hoping to go out on monday to look for a job but i'd probably be suffering from world cup withdrawal symptoms...
Its France vs Italy... Hmmm quite a tough match but i think the fiesty italians will scrape through... And in the 3rd and 4th placing i would have to go with germany... I dun see the portugese scoring anytime soon wth pauleta up front...
Oh got to go now...
Posted by
7:42 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
World cup Stickers
Hmm as i head towards completing my 2006 world cup sticker book i'm left with quite a bit of extras hoping to sell them off but heres where the problem comes in the stickers come in a packet of 5 stickers at $1 so that means 1 sticker would cost about $0.20 rite..?? Well the thing is the cost of buying this stickers fromm other people varies from $0.20-0.50 maybe even more ridiculous prices that i do not know of. And i 'm just selling mine at at $0.25 just trying to make up some loss yes i know that by collecting this book will definately make a loss but its not as if i'm trying to make a profit by doing so...
Well anyway left with 3 more stickers to go...
447: Hidetoshi Nakata
531: Spanish Emblem
562: Some ukraine player
Posted by
11:51 AM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Brownies Galore
Oh my god this past two days has seen my tummy absorb far too much brownies, too much so that its bound to add an inch or two to my ever increasing spare tyre around my waist. Being so bored i decided to bake some brownies and finished them in like 1 day, two times in a row. I'm still feeling the after effects... Arggggghh....
Well it seems that Chai or chai has been in the midst of her own little battle with buns.. haha crystal jade ones eh?? Well at least you 're constantly exercising unike me cept for the occasional playing of soccer for Mr.Goh cheng kangs team, from which i got injured last sat... THe Arsehole wacked me on the hips with his goddamn knee. Man it still hurts ... Well it seems to be getting better so i'll just rest at home. Well World cup season is abt to be up... And the Epl's gonna kick off soon in Augest, well so is school.
I'm going to have to study real hard... Hmmm maybe i even have a job lined up for me :] . Well that will be in 3yrs time , in the mean time thou i've got to find a part time job... I've got to come with at least 10k for my studies. Hmm where to get that much money?? Yo singapore pools i bet 10k on italy to win the finals....
Posted by
7:23 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Ah its been a while since i blogged thou i'm still officially unemployed and yet to begin my course, i'm getting to lazy to blog thou occasionally i do pop by to check out dearest blog ad of course fav fren. Hohoho still playing CS?? Well i definately miss the good old days where you would come in uninvited throught the backdoor of the bunk : ] Hmm if you really wanna play soccer then we must arrange one before our school term starts if not everyone will probably be too busy and then i guess we'll all just drift apart... : [ how sad rite after 2years of brotherhood this is the way we are headed. I guess everyone has their own lives and things to do, but good friends should never be forgotten.
Anyway so much for joga bonito.... Rooney got sent off for refusing to dive. If it was any other player he would have dived when under pressure by the 2 portugal players. But i'm not sure if he got sent of for stamping on Ricardo Carvalhos balls or shoving ronaldo... But what ever it is i hope it doesn't affect rooney and ronaldo, cause they are the future of Man Utd...
Anyway i hope the bag that i wanna buy is on sale. Oh no shopping again... i have to stop... Anybody got lobang for a part time job :]
Posted by
9:50 AM