Friday, January 19, 2007

Whatever will be, will be..

Tomorrow is the 20th of January, the day that i met her... Well it would have been exactly one year since we met, but now it looks very likely that we'll never see each other again. Its funny how everything turned out.. well you can laugh if you want to...

A few months ago we were like a couple of lovebirds that can't seem to get enough of each other but now its just me yearning for her, well yes i'm the fool who got suckered into the pit and now i can't get out... Haha am i being melodramatic? yeah i would say so..

But realli why tell someone how you feel about a person when you know its gonna go nowhere? For guys i understand you wanna get her panties off but girls? Whats it all about?

Right now i'm dillusional i would say cause i can't tell anymore what she really felt, part of me feels that it was all a lie but the other half tells me that it was all so real but why treat like that now? Love is suppose to surpass all boundaries but something like the colour of my skin and thats it? Adios? don't call me cause i can't handle it ? Whats that all about?

I'm doing my best to get past it but apparently it's not good enough... Just wanna get over it as soon as possible exams are coming and i'm in deep shit... Been skipping classes too... sigh..


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