Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why Cristiano Ronaldo finally got his hat-trick?

Well watch the video and need i say more? ^^ Well for those who do not know what the heck i'm rambling on about well the Old Trafford prodigy Cristiano finally got his elusive 1st hat- trick for Man Utd.. And for the dumb ones..

A hat-trick in sports is associated with succeeding at anything three times in three consecutive attempts..

Etymology of Hat-trick (just for the brain... )
In the Victorian era, the term "hat trick" referred to a common trick by magicians, where the magician used a top hat. At first, they would appear before the audience wearing the hat, which they would remove and put upside down on a nearby table (on stage). Later in the show, the magician would take out 3 rabbits, one after another, from the hat.

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