Its time to reminiscing on the past and to look to the future.. I find myself trying to help people with their relationship problems when i myself am in need of divine intervention... : ] But i'm doing much better now... Deep inside me my heart aches but i know that i'm moving on, as time moves by the aching lessens and i guess the key is not to be alone... I admit that i teared at times but i see nothing wrong with, whats wrong with crying? Does it make you any less a guy? In the past i'm one for suppressing feelings and bottling all up, but since this relationship.. i don't know whats with the emo-ness... I guess she left me with overflowing with emotions.. :]
Anyway focus is not on gals no more.. just wanna concentrate on my books..Doing well so far, alls good.. prelims are due to start next month and the 1st paper is Ibm on the 12th of feb.. hope to score well and at least gauge where i stand, spent alot of time on this module and lets see if its worth it...
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hit the road jack..!
Posted by
3:15 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Cool Art...
Stumbled upon this artist whilst i was blog surfing and well i would say his art is quite interesting... So check it out... Very orgy-istic kinda orientation...
But i think its quite cool... Here are some pictures i got off the site..
Do check out the site for more pictures and Bio..
Michael Bilsborough
Cheers :]
Posted by
2:51 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What's the point of being socially ettiquete?
Hmmm a friend of mine got me wondering... Well actually not a friend more like an acquintance, a pretty one... hehe Just for the record this is probably the longest i have ever gone unshaven, like 2 wks or so and everyones gng arnd calling me stuff like Whats up Robinson Crusue or Castaway the movie starring Tom Hanks... When i finally decided to shave today, even my shaver was crying out for me to stop, for it was really hard to shave...!
This friend of mine told me that i have to shave because its part of being socially ettiquette or she actually said it more like social " ettiqueccy " don;t know if there is even such a word! But its like i have been so down that i don't really give a f*** of what society thinks of me, but i'm feeling much better now.. is it the drugs? Or is it just me?
The way i see it is that when someone wants to look nice its just that he cares what other people think about him, i'm one such person and i think most people are... Everythings just a big facade,
people wanna fit in and stuff... I guess its the way the world works...
Anyway the beard is off and i'm thinking who's this good looking guy in the mirror? Haha or so i think... I'm wondering why am i listening to this girl ?
Is is because shes just another pretty face? I have caught myself looking at her so very often in classes, that is whenever she sits within my viewing capacity, i hope she doesn't notice me looking at her... :]
And just to make it clear.. i'm most definately not the only guy that looks at her.. the 4 musketeers called her "eye candy" b4 we knew her name.. and i've seen other guys checkin her out as well.. haha
Shes attached by the way, not that i'm interested or have a chance but i don't wanna be thinking of love again, i just can't, not anytime soon... I'll just stick to having good friends for now... :]
So enough of the anemic looking me, i'm now clean shaven and i'm gonna get my hair done, as in i'm gonna get a cut and probably get it highlighted.. always wanted to do it so here i go... But still wondering whether to keep it long or short... Hmmm
i'm still thinking abt you everynight b4 i go to bed... I hope you are safe & well and that you are happy and i hope that whoever you may be with, that he loves you unconditionally....
Your wordsmith signing off...
Posted by
5:19 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Whatever will be, will be..
Tomorrow is the 20th of January, the day that i met her... Well it would have been exactly one year since we met, but now it looks very likely that we'll never see each other again. Its funny how everything turned out.. well you can laugh if you want to...
A few months ago we were like a couple of lovebirds that can't seem to get enough of each other but now its just me yearning for her, well yes i'm the fool who got suckered into the pit and now i can't get out... Haha am i being melodramatic? yeah i would say so..
But realli why tell someone how you feel about a person when you know its gonna go nowhere? For guys i understand you wanna get her panties off but girls? Whats it all about?
Right now i'm dillusional i would say cause i can't tell anymore what she really felt, part of me feels that it was all a lie but the other half tells me that it was all so real but why treat like that now? Love is suppose to surpass all boundaries but something like the colour of my skin and thats it? Adios? don't call me cause i can't handle it ? Whats that all about?
I'm doing my best to get past it but apparently it's not good enough... Just wanna get over it as soon as possible exams are coming and i'm in deep shit... Been skipping classes too... sigh..
Posted by
1:42 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Well i'm bored with life so heres something to add to that tiny brain of yours... Well you've heard of the word S.O.S probably like a zillion times but ever wondered what it meant, or where it came from..? Well i just did and so here it is the answer to this little acronym...
SOS is the commonly used desciption for the international morse code signal. Its a distress signal if you don't already know, which was first adopted by the Germans. "Wireless Telegraphy".. looks like wireless technology was already in effect back then.. : ]
From the beginning, the SOS distress signal has actually consisted of a continuous sequence of three-dots/three-dashes/three-dots, all run together without letter spacing. In International Morse Code, three dots form the letter S, and three dashes make the letter O, so "SOS" became an easy way to remember the correct order of the dots and dashes.
In popular usage, SOS became associated with phrases such as
-Save Our Ship
-Save Our Souls,
-Survivors On Ship
-Save Our Sailors
However, these phrases were a later development, most likely used to help remember the correct letters—something known as a backronym.
Posted by
9:29 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Sigh keep putting off from doing my assignments.. One due on mon and one on weds... Its like i'll never get down to it, tend to keep on procastinating... Well i have time on my hands but look what i do i'm on the net, playing games etc... Now i feel sleepy even .. ZZZzzz
Anyway going to be a guinea pig again next saturday, down at Pfizer, for about a week or so.. now that i basically have no income have to resort to such means again... My job as a cook has been a short but fun experience thou, you could say it was fun while it lasted... Learn plenty of things about cooking and stuff... Maybe one day i'll open a bistro or something.. haha one day... Now its like the f&b industry is like a little too saturated and its not like i have the capital to invest right now. Can't wait for my cheque for the drug volunteering to come in prob like 2wks or so... Yummy sounds like shopping to be done haha... My shopping buddy is no more... but i guess there are other ppl arnd, shldn't be fretting over this...
Anyway here are some pics from my short experience as a cook..
Arrangement by me :]
its all abt the setting haha...
Prawns, salad, salmon and theres more... lobster, crayfish, oysters, mussels, clams...
Yummy Yummy
Lining Up the prawns...
Posted by
5:24 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
Mysterious object crashes through roof...
A metal, rock-like object about the size of a golf ball is seen in this undated photograph provided by Det. R. Gelber of Freehold Township Police Department in Freehold Township, New Jersey, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007. Nobody was injured
"It's not all that uncommon to have rocks rain down from heaven," said Carlton Pryor, a professor of astronomy at Rutgers University.
Well oh yes i see rocks flyin through my house every now and then... !?! Just one of the articles i came across... Hmm interesting wouldn't you say? Sounds like Kryptonite to me... haha
Universe is so huge wonder whats out there...
Well time for my daily diet of pasta... til next time.. Adios
Posted by
11:02 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
1st entry of the new year.. hmm
Well life for me is not over i guess since i'm here blogging abt it.. i'm going though a very bad spell of depression... i'm doing things that i myself deem crazy and yet noone noes abt it.. i can't really say so as to not worry my "friends " out there.. well guys i'm ok so yeah and i'm definately not looking my best rite now either... Dunno whether to blame it on the festive period, my depression, lack of exercise, lack of proper sleep the constant headaches i've been getting haha maybe everythin... or yeah and not to forget the runny nose i've been having plus the recent spade of diarrhoea... And to top it all off my skins having volcanic eruptions, i'm breaking out quite badly... Gotta snap out of it la... With the new year and everythin i promise myself not to get upset over her anymore, but i was at it again today.. sigh... :[
Haven been studyin over the past few days but hope to kickstart it morrow... but i dun feel too good shld i skip school?
Posted by
8:10 PM