Hmmm day 1 was pretty much easy going in the lab with basically nothing for us to do other than to slack around, we pretty much made ourselves at home much to the annoyance of the nurses. They had two PS2 consoles and a xbox as well. So there we were started off by kicking arif 's ass in gran turismo then went on to do so in smack down, where needless to say i gave out an ass whooping he'd probably want to forget about. Then we moved on to pool were i thought he would give me something of a competition, but should i say more....We also borrowed a movie called Hitler, which potrayed the life of hitler obviously.
Anyway back to the testing of drugs, as were told beforehand we were suppose to do a series of tests for a drug that was supposedly for asthma. Day 0 was the 1st day that we were admitted into the wards, we practically dd nothing for the whole day cept just laze around, well you don't have to guide me on how that is done...
Day 1 was totally and completely the opposite, we had to lie in bed practically the whole day. We didn't even have breakfast... and lunch was like at 2pm, thats like 8hours after waking us up. I was like so friggin hungry, so hungry that afte gobblin up lunch i actually felt like fainting, probably because i ate too fast or is it because of the medication? The 1st dose was given to us a 8am and we had to fast 4 hrs beforehand and 6hours post dosage which explains the hunger i had to be put through. And on top of that we had to go through a series of testing like every half and hour or so, there was barely any time to sleep... Zzzzzzz. Plus the best part was that they also had to cannulate me, this is where they stick a syringe in your arm and draw blood every time they needed to... And this was like everyhour or so ..... i was like a frigging tap where they kept taking my blood, maybe this was what made me light headed because i was lacking of blood... haha..
Well anyway i miss you dear... Sorry can't talk to you earlier...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Life of the Lab rat...
Posted by
8:30 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Hmmph since when have i become your personal butler??? :]
Just because i got you the milkshake you were craving for doesn't mean i'm one... Ha ha :] Just wanted to give you a wonderful surprise, to do something nice for you, too bad you were suffering from food poisoning, and i don't get the once a year thingy you were talking about. But alas i couldn't get the strawberry flavoured one for you for they were out of it, anyway i knew you would have liked it... It was like between vanilla and chocolate and since i was not suppose to consume anything chocolate flavoured due to my clinical research's list of things not to consume i got you vanilla as well.
But why do i go for this you may ask, the clinical research thing, well as i said i needed the money. For what you may ask, well as i said before my bank account is on the decline right now, and i'm not really sure if i would be gettin 1 more months pay. The fact that SAF is no longer sponsering my expenditures is something i have to get used to and the money from this is sort of like just extra income for me to spend. I mean it seems like the money in my bank account is waiting to be unleashed, but there has to be something going in to my account so that i can be at ease. Anyway its better than a regular job as i'd be home most of the time.
And like i said last night you don't have to do anything special or nice for me. Cause having you in my life is special enough...
Posted by
8:51 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Duty alone in camp?
Well my mates have all left the camp. hendon camp that is. A camp so ulu that even the name is an unfamiliar one to the ears of civilians out there. Inclusive of me at one point of time or so...
The BMT batch of "soldiers" came to collect their i/c 's at about 9am, some even earlier then that. But i mean come on guys what were u you guys thinking ?? Since when has anything gone according to timing when it was for your own personal gains... It even went to the extent that our i/c 's weren't released... Haha.. I can't help but have this little chuckle to myself.... Hmmm but who has the last laugh as the C.O.S for today is none other than "ME". Yes, me by myself.... More like me, myself and my xBox. Ah but then there was yuen bow or is it pow?? Then came wesley, Oh i had company, lucky me. They suggested locking up the office and heading out and so i complied...
Who was i to refuse 2 powerful men in the company.... We went shopping, for printers. Dear Mr. Wesley wanted to buy a printer so that he could get the testimonials done for you guys by thurs when apparently you guys make your 2nd attempt to gt your i/c again. And i found myself getting one as well, why?? i don't know... I didn't really need one actually and considering that my bank account is on the decline i found myself questioning my purchase...
Anyway waiting for Ms C to gimme a call now, tried calling her like TWICE, but to no avail. Hope we're still meeting...Hmmm well i hope this little tyrst of ours goes well without any little arguments or anything... Well don't pay any attention to this darling its just a state of a little trepidation on my part. I'm not trying to be neurotic about punctuality honey, but i'm guessing you'll be late... :] Or maybe it'll be me but highly unlikely...
Posted by
7:56 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Not workin out??
When you say its not working out, i hope you're refering to the fragileness of your diet and not this relationship. It seems to me that you still seem skeptical about us, is it because of me.. Is it because of the way i potray stuff?? I really dunno baby...
Remember the time u said that this journey will not be smooth, well i'm not saying it is or will ever be, but i would also like to state that my feelings for you are as true as this world that we live in... As for the questions that you always ask me?? Maybe u should save them for the wonderful conversations that we have, write them down or something :]
Well i am writing this entry to reaffirm that i wanna be with you, and sorry for any pain that i've caused over this course of time. Thought that maybe you should hang out with your friends, didn't want to be in the way... Anyway i think its time for me to catch up with my mates... Plus i don't feel too good, maybe its because of last nite...
Man Utd Song by hooligan :]
Anyway hope chelski loses to city.. Heres a song for Man Utd fans and also for fans of other teams out there, including the damn scousers... Hope u guys get the msg, its quite clear.
Posted by
8:23 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
O.R.D is a surely a big day in any local boys life. Well as it approaches me slowly yet surely, i will definately miss some of my buddies, well yes i said it only some... haha :]
and for those whose absence that will be sorely miss i hope we get to keep in contact. Cause we wouldn't wanna throw away these 2 yrs of our lives and be strangers do we? Monday will see the return of the illustrious pink i/c into the hands of the bmt batch of soldiers of 4coy, which definately signal the end of this illustrious 2 yrs. Anyway i went down to camp at around 1, by the time which the guys had already left. Was hoping to see them thou, but none of them were arnd cept for Mr C.O.S a.k.a Y.S Lee and Sgt Kenny. Y.S Lee seems to being doing quite some business there in the office, always seems to be the cos all the time.. haha. And Mr Kenny seemed very hostile! Perhaps cause he didn't get to book out.. Was he on Bos duty or something, well i couldn't care less. Anyway corridors were all painted and everything and all was quiet and deserted.. So i just went to my bunk and packed a few things and got my butt to the medical center .. Where the medic was overly rude, felt like kicking his ass. Anyway it seems like i won't be able to do my medical nor my dental today, just have to come back next week. Well guys time to fold that uniform and keep it aside... Til we meet again... Gd luck and take care...
Posted by
5:26 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Lab Rat...
Well folks looks like i got selected to be a lab rat... Yes indeed i'm throwing my life away just for a measly sum of money. i just hope all goes well and nothing happens to me or anyone else. I'm beginning to feel a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, reading the news about the clinincal trial going wrong in london has now left me quite fearful indeed. Ohh my overzealous me wanting to make a quick buck....
Well as for the test that went wrong, six men were taken ill during the trial in London to test a drug designed to treat chronic inflammatory conditions and leukaemia. Four are in serious condition but have shown signs of improvement. One of two men given a placebo in the trial, said the six were stricken with vomiting and severe pain within minutes of receiving the drug.
As for me i'm will be also taking an experimental drug, which is to be inhaled... Its a series of tests that will start next week a apparently i have been selected, well this is starting to seem that my life is so cheap. Anyway i'm just a blip in this planet called earth so no one will really notice i guess if i were to disappear... Probably Ms C will be better off...
I seriously don't know what i shld be doing... well maybe you can gimme a clue??
Posted by
6:17 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Look alike??
Well i tried this thing right here and its damn cool, heh cool because of the comparison it made for me......
Allright man Matthew McConaughey, hmm maybe i have his features...
well u should try it folks... Let me know who you resemble ok... Just post a comment here !! :]
Here's the webbie :
My Heritage
Well people help me help you get a free Apple Color iPod
Well it looks nice doesn't it, well click the link above and together we'll win it!!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I'm quite apprehensive of what lies ahead of me, and it seems to me that i'm turning into one big baby ... I'm getting hit by a series of overwhelming emotions this last month or so, whats wrong with me? She says its maybe cause of my age and everything but i'm quite skeptical about that fact. Whats wrong with me! Is it because of the conversion back to civilian life? But i've become a stronger man or at least thats what i assumed. Reminiscing on my life in the army i realised that i've become a more confident and mature person. I've learnt a lot of things and had a lot of good experiences especially coming from a unit with such a great heritage and i'm proud that i could be part of that. Maybe i'm just insecure about you, and with your background and everything i was just beginning to have doubts on myself. Well i guess i'll try and be more positive but i feel that i have colossal expectations of me. I'm not attempting to be belligerent or anything cause i know that i always seem to be the root of all the minor arguments that we have been having. Whats with the emotional changes? Hmmm this reminds me of a word i just picked up, Dementia...
Dementia -
Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is sometimes accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.
Ahh word that i got from you favourite friend if you're reading this. Perhaps you were right i wouldn't want my army friends reading up on my blog. At least not all of them, i'd probably remove the link from the 4 coy blog. It was nice seeing the guys again on wednesday, Lim jings birthday, or should i say titties... I'm gonna miss everybody and the life that we had, the things that we've been through. Good and bad times there have been many... Even the times we try to siam Si-Kang... Life was great! Especially after we turn operational. Well i hope that everyone does their part and keep in contact. I would hate it if we become complete strangers after this 2years like brudders...
P.S: Baby if you wanna put my photo up its ok, just make it a gd one la... [ :
Posted by
9:22 AM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wishlist for 2006..
Hmmm well i was thinking of stuff that i would actually like to get this year. And so ta da here is my all impressive list of thingamagigs.... Well not really impressive actually.. :]
Just some of the things i'd like to get!!
Motorola V Razr V3i
- 1.3 Megapixel Camera
- Airplane mode ( whatever that means)
- Pim Mode (wow do i get to be a P.I.M.P)
- 100g hmm super duper uber light !!
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-N1

Megapixels : 8.1
Optical Zoom : 3x
Digital Zoom : 6x
DAmn i probably don't need this but man i would love to have it!
Nike Dunks

Ohh they look so fine
Gimme a size 10 , thank you!!

Oh la la the almighty PSP, welcomed in my life anytime...

Fossil watches, looking mighty fine!Bet they'd look better on my hand. Right Ms Chai...?

Well i could do with these as well.... Brasil tee , man utd's centenary reversible jersey to add to my collection of my beloved man utd jerseys, Portugal's 2006 world cup jersey. I would love to have next seasons man utd jersey also but its not out yet... Well i'd probably update this list as time goes by.....
Gibson Les Paul 1958
Lo and behold !! The guitar that i have always wanted since i saw my idol slash using this guitar, but never ever got down to getting it so this year it'll still be on my list... I've been playing for 5 yrs ++ now, but i'm beggining to lose interest... So i'm not sure if i should get it :]
Posted by
6:48 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
These crevices won't close by themselves for its just starting to see signs of getting bigger and deeper....
I dunno this is probably a crappy poem. Well i'm not good at this shit la huh. It seems like we can nvr end a day without sadness in our lives. Someone always seems to get hurt. I dunno what's coming our way or where we headed but i hope you lift this fog in front of me cause like i told you theres nothing or no one between us but you're building this wall or should i say that we're building it, I''m putting the bricks and you're layin the cement...
Confused is how i am,
Cuz baby you know the way that i am,
you get me into this delirious state,
yet sometime you leave me for dead,
baby u mean the world to me,
i long to hear your voice,
and your laughter makes me rejoice,
that's is how i want it to be,
but you're creating this wall before me,
and there's nothing in front i can see,
i dunno how it may seem,
but baby save me and get me out of this bad dream....
Posted by
4:05 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Worst Movie Ever ?
Thank goodness i didn't pay 8 bucks to watch the date movie. It was a lame pastiche of Hollywood romances. Movies like Bridget Jones's Diary, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Hitch, Meet the Fockers... I would say this movie was really a bad spoof of the recent romantic movies.
Probably would have incoporated brokeback mountain in it as well had it not been released earlier... And wats the deal with cowboys being gay?? probably they'd get hung and burn to stakes like witches back then...
"Date Movie'' also weaves in Michael Jackson, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Britney Spears impersonators. What could be more appropriate in an imitation of a movie than a bevy of imitators? Well people if anyone wants to catch this show i would really advice against it
i would rate this as one of the top 10 worse movies that i had ever watched. Probably number 2 following Napolean Dynamite... Which i also watched this week... 2 bad movies in 1 week..
Alyson Hannigan, the actress in the movie surely is not that deperate right? She would probably have better things to do then to make this nonsensical movie... Arrrggghh....
Well heres what the date movies is about according to the filmakers that i took of some website:
The twisted minds of two of the six writers of Scary Movie – Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg – skewer the romantic comedy genre in DATE MOVIE, a film for people who love date movies and people who hate them. The filmmakers’ goal, in their own words: “We wanted to create a romance that women will respond to and a balls-out comedy for the men in the audience.”
Seltzer and Friedberg tell the story of hopeless romantic Julia Jones, who has finally met the man of her dreams, the very British Grant Funkyerdoder. But before they can have their Big Fat Greek Wedding, they’ll have to Meet the Parents; hook-up with The Wedding Planner, and contend with Grant’s friend Andy – a spectacularly beautiful woman who wants to put an end to her Best Friend’s Wedding.
Mr and Mrs Smith?
Ohh what a Hottie!!
Posted by
3:59 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Well guys it was nice to knowing you, i just found out that i'm actually dying. Yes death as it seems is knocking on my door but no i'm not answering.... Looks like the end is near but til then i'll be posting crap on this damn blog. And heres one that might interest you...
Find out when you going six feet underground, cause i have :] and now i can plan the time that i have left... Well i wanna spend the rest of my time with with my narcissus but i think she has other plans. She's pretty pessimistic about us, so i don't really know what's going to happen.... But what i know is that time is running out for me and that i'm happy with her...
Well check out the death clock in this link here:
Death Clock
Well my time is Saturday, March 27 2038. How cool is that its actually on a weekend so people can actually come for my funeral. It also tells you exactly how many seconds you have left and its ticking away.... 1011,303,806 secs to live exactly as i'm penning this entry.So come for my funeral folks....
Well look whos at the door ....
Posted by
3:11 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What is with women and the compulsive preoccupation of how fat they are, despite the fact that some of them are actually so skinny. I have never really been on a diet, and never intend to, thou somtimes i say i would but whats the point? With all the good food out there is there really a need to.... And it pains me to hear slim and lean women revel in bodily self loathing. Cause women they are so anxious to “fix” themselves with dieting that they often are willing to overlook their long-term health in trying the latest diet craze or products advertised in the media. And its also because of women that men are starting to look after themselves now....
Due to rise of the power of women. Men now have to groom themselves up to make themselves more attractive to the women, and male grooming seems to becoming very popular... With people like David Beakham leading the way...
Pretty boys such as David Beckham are held up as the masculine ideal for other men....I believe many men have already followed suit. Going for manicures, pedicures, facials , hair removals etc etc.... Men can't just rely on providing for a lady now they have to look good! So good luck guys cause you better start shedding those pounds and watching what you gobble down.
So lets start getting neurotic about the way we look...
And a certain Ms Chai has decided against being the carnivorous mammals that we are and stick to grass and leaves... But what ever it is i will always maintain my diet as the way it is not gonna change it for the world, unless maybe i were to receive an incredible offer..... So lets stick to this for now.........
Posted by
11:56 AM
Monday, March 06, 2006
I'm bored, i'm stressed by this monotonous life. Well maybe i should go out and try finding something to do.... I can't even do any sports, its so irritatting, maybe erhaps a job or something.
Well i'm hoping to change down a few gears and probably hit the sack again, thou its highly unlikely cause i would say i woke up 2 hrs ago. Narcissus didn't call me either.... I seem to be calling all the time and especially when she's about to go to bed, seems like bad timing on my part... Wish she lives next door [=Well why do people say they smoke cause their stressed out? i'm feeling stressed and bored so does that mean i have to go down to the store to get a pack of life sucking cigerettes. So i think its right to be judgemental about people who smoke cause its so not cool and it top it all it stinks. I think picking up a sport like grabbing a buddy and going for a jog would be so much better in the reliefing stress department, also it keeps you lean and mean.
Anyway how did i get to the topic of smoking. Well my phone just rang and guess who... She called!! Wooo Hooo..... But it was an uber duper super short conversation thou...
Well shes been having nightmares... i dunno why maybe you're too stressed out, better take care of yourself. Eat more dun starve yourself if not you'd be all frail, well you get the drift. Well can't wait for Man Utd match tonight its at 3.55am damn...! I'd probably be awake til then.....
I'm the driver in this bus, the bus that i'm driving in a roundabout with no exit....
Posted by
12:00 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Faux Hawk or Faux Pas
Well i juz got my new haircut it was suppose to be a copy of Mr.David Beckham or as my hairstylist put it "Lavi Peham" I tried to contain an outburst of giggles when he said that but this was the first time i was having my hair done at his salon, so i would rather not the scissors be sticking out of my scalp when i leave.But what was disturbing about this guy was that not his pronuonciation or his proficiency in the language but this guy seemed a little too gay for my liking and it was not the happy kinda gay, but the gay kinda gay. Well as for my haircut i kinda showed him the faux hawk photo of Mr.Beckham, which Ms.Chai convinced me would definately suit me. I'm thinking now that its more like a fashion faux pas...
Hmmm maybe i should get more opinions about my new hairdo. According to Ms Chai its nice. But what worries me is the fact that she burst out laughing when she saw me, but after much scrutinizing it was declared by Ms Smartypants that it was actually quite nice. Well i'm about to go catch Underworld Evolution now hope its good. Lets see what my friends say abt this new hairdo... ]:
Posted by
3:53 PM