where have all the cabbies gone? Damn it, i was waiting for the freaking cab for half a freaking hour but no sign of a cab that was willing to gimme a ride...!! They were either hired or changing shifts or they were just F***ing blind. I was so damn pissed, maybe i should have called a cab? Anyways missed my soccer match that iwas so looking forward to. Well maybe next week then. Sorry guys i hope you guys have enough players, i know that you were short of numbers but hopefully you guys could field 11 players.
Called Chai to tell her about how pissed i was but she was apparently to busy for me. Probably even if i was dying and called her it would most likely not make a difference. Arggh guess i'm just being puerile and selfish... Well i'd just go and rot in my haven of a room and just wait for the man utd match to start.
My phones on silent so
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Where have all the cabbies gone?
Posted by
6:52 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
As i was sitting in the train today, this guy came into the train at bukit batok and sat down beside me. It was one of those two sitter kinda seats. Anyway i was hlding my mp3 player in my hand and he started to staring at it in amazement! He was looking at really closely as if he was examining it through a microspoe or something then he starrted talking to me, judging by his appearance it would say he was probably in his mid 40s. Anyway he asked what was it that i was holding in my hands and i told him it was my mp3 player then he satrted asking me all kinds of questions like can it take photos, send sms or make calls... I guess there are phones out there which probably has all these functions and i would most definately one one of these.
My ideal phone would be one with a 5gb memory space for my mp3 songs, at least a 5megapixel camera and of course a sleek and cool design. Well probably cost a bomb and i don't think there's such a phone yet is there? Well i'm not up to date with the technology now... Anyway this guy was going on and on about my mp3 and saying that i got it damn cheap for a 20Gb player.
He later went on to condamn technology and told me that it has not improved and gave me the radio as an example, stating that even now after several years the radio has trouble with reception, telling me that it shouldn't be the case if technology has improved greatly. Well probably no one is interested in improving this technology at the moment or not anytime soon.
Anyway back to drug testing and this would probably be my last session..!
Posted by
10:46 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Is there a cure?
Well its a disease that has spread all over the world...
But there seems to be no cure for it. No its not Aids or cancer or some other weird illness. Its a silent disease, one thats spreading around without the knowledge of most people. A global epidemic you could say, well its the need to shop. What is it called? : "shopaholicism" ? ? ?
Well so are you a shopaholic :
* Shopping or spending money as a result of being disappointed, angry or scared.
* Shopping/spending habits causing emotional distress or chaos in
one's life.
* Having arguments with others regarding shopping or spending
* Feeling lost without credit/purchasing cards.
* Buying items on credit that would not be bought with cash.
* Spending money causes a rush of euphoria and anxiety at the same time.
* Spending or shopping feels like a reckless or forbidden act.
* Feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed or confused after shopping or spending money.Many
purchases are never used.
* Lying to others about what was bought or how much money was spent.
* Thinking excessively about money.
* Spending a lot of time juggling accounts and bills to accommodate spending.
Take the quiz to see if you are one :
A Shopaholic Quiz : ] " Haha, i'm the sensible window shopper. "
Well i'm probably not the best person that you could tell your problems to, i'm no Aunt Agony
or Uncle Agony for that matter. Why you may ask, cause i give crappy advice or at least thats what i think.
Anyway it crossed my tiny mind last night that one of my frens could be a shopaholic, well lets just call him A. Well A likes to shop and buy what ever stuff that pleases him. Well even thou most shopaholics out there are women, you definately can't rule out the men cause they like to shop too. Especially for clothes, shoes and especially electronic gadgets.
But i think that you have to have a bit of self restraint when it comes to shopping, unless of course you're one of those rockstars or movie stars that you see so very often on Tv with those awesome cribs, or if your dad is Forbes magazine top few billionaires, then man you gotta invite me to your shopping sprees.
Cause he probably doesn't know the value of money yet as he has not started to work yet and what i say to him seems like utter nonsense probably. I wish i could get the message across to him but its so very difficult, he says that he always gets what he likes but it seems to me that you're quite spoilt dude. Yeah i hope you don't get mad at me cause i think that writing about this is the best way to talk to you. I hope it helps... : ]
Probably once you start working you'll definately feel the pinch, trust me. You can't just go about and get everything you like you know, sometimes you just got to keep it mind and when you think you've saved up enough then maybe go and get it, not to just dig in to your savings every week or so and get new stuff that'll just take up space in your closet.
I mean i like clothes too and i just bought a new top from zara, but this was after a while i mean i have seen other nice tops and stuff but after buying this one i probably won't be getting another top for a while unless its like super cheap. I keep a budget to spend on new stuff so i don't go around and just get the stuff i like. Maybe i should just leave my atm card at home... Haha.
Maybe you should keep a list of things to get like for me, i have this electric guitar that i wanted to buy since my poly days which cost $800 + $100 plus for the amplifier + another $100 for the effects so it comes up to a grand total of $1000 !!! So i guess it'll remain on my list for a very long time to come. Unless i miraculuously become a millionaire or something... I might even buy something today but if it doesn't exceed my limit, something not too expensive thou...
So are we still going down to bugis, my dear friend A ? ?. Please don't be mad at me ok : ]
How to prevent shopping binges?
* Pay for purchases by cash or cheque
* Make a shopping list and only buy what is on the list.
* Destroy all credit cards except one to be used for emergency only.
* Avoid discount warehouses. Allocate only a certain amount of cash to be spent if you do visit
* "Window shop" only after stores have closed. If you do "look" during the day, leave your
wallet at home.
* Avoid phoning in catalogue or Internet orders and don't watch TV shopping channels.
* If you're travelling to visit friends or relatives, have your gifts wrapped leave the project
finished. People tend to make unnecessary purchases when they shop for other people.
* Take a walk or exercise when the urge to shop comes on.
* If you feel out of control, you probably are. Seek counselling or a support group.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Soccer, Shopping and Sleep...
Hey its me, yes finally played almost 90mins of a match without feelig so tired, actually not tired at all i felt quite fit actually but i noe i'm far from my best, looking forward to another week of gym and sore muscles. Heh almost got into a fight too for no apparent readon. The goalkeeper from the other team had a problem with me, didn't know what it was thou but he kept on asking me if i had a problem and when i said no i did not have a problem and i was happy that we won, he pushed my face. At this point of time all kinds of arm locks and methods of slamming and breaking arms came flooding into my head but i kept calm and did not react i guess i didn' wanna hit him and be the stupid one and get hit with any charges of assault or anything, thou i clenched my fist waiting for him to hit me once and i'd probably be all over him.
Anyway hoorah to shopping tomorrow as me and Ms C are going shopping or should i say window shopping. Well hope to get something to make up for the loss of my V3i the phone that should be in my possession now but sigh i guess i don't really need it... : [ Well missing you you honey... Hope to see you soon and when are you coming over!?!??
Hmmm well i guess we all love to sleep, or is it just me? I noe for a fact that its my own personal favourite pastime or at least my company's ... :] Boy do we love to sleep! But sleeping is actually not as simple as it seems. Well sleep is actually very complicated if you don't believe me well take a look, cause boy i'm flabbergasted. Well check out the link below...
Sleepy link
The popular believe that the optimum amount of sleep you need is 8hrs , on the contrary the amount of sleep one needs actually varies from person to person but 8hrs is sort of a general rule. Some can do with six hours of sleep; others need nine. Sleep experts state that you cannot "store" sleep by sleeping more on the weekends in preparation for the normal work week
Tip of the Day :
In an ideal situation, sleep should be undisturbed and experienced in the same room every night.
Posted by
9:05 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
Splurging Out?
Well it seems that the topic of whether i should get a new phone has got us not talking again. She told me not to call her i don't exactly know what that's suppose to mean... Well i wanted to buy the motorola V3i and i guess ithought it was a cool phone to have in my grasps but i guess i was wrong. i was talking to her about saving up money and i guess i've brought this upon myself. Telling her that i shouldn't be spending too much money and on deciding to splurge out on the phone probably dissapointed her... Sorry honey.
Well after giving it much thought i guess i should refrain myself from buying the phone and get other things that i want to since i already got a good working phone : ] Stuff like a new watch, wallet and perhaps a new bag as well with the money that i could probably get the phone for...
Well if you see this, i'm missing you honey : ]
Posted by
8:28 PM
Time to exercise..
Ah here i am once again confined to the boundaries of this hospital, more like the 7th floor and within the glass panel that they have at the entrance. Feel like a prisoner, with so many restrictions actually its like back in army... haha. Recruit me feeling hungry again as usual. The great hunger is upon me again can't wait to get served later. Its lunch in bed how wonderful. But it seems that i'm getting fat now!! Oh my what shall i ever do, looks like i have to join the millions of dieters out there, but then again why should i? Is it because i worry about how i look and what other people will think.. Probably... sounds like i'm gonna talk about an old entry of mine...
Well 2 people have said that i'm gaining weight, thats like how bad!! And i thought i was doing fine but theres too much good food out there for me to eat! Aigh why must i put on weight maybe its cause my metabolism rate has hit super sluggish rates due to my lack of exercise... Gotta exercise! Hope my leg doesn't give way...
Posted by
12:42 PM
Time to exercise..
Ah here i am once again confined to the boundaries of this hospital, more like the 7th floor and within the glass panel that they have at the entrance. Feel like a prisoner, with so many restrictions actually its like back in army... haha. Recruit me feeling hungry again as usual. The great hunger is upon me again can't wait to get served later. Its lunch in bed how wonderful. But it seems that i'm getting fat now!! Oh my what shall i ever do, looks like i have to join the millions of dieters out there, but then again why should i? Is it because i worry about how i look and what other people will think.. Probably... sounds like i'm gonna talk about an old entry of mine...
Well 2 people have said that i'm gaining weight, thats like how bad!! And i thought i was doing fine but theres too much good food out there for me to eat! Aigh why must i put on weight maybe its cause my metabolism rate has hit super sluggish rates due to my lack of exercise... Gotta exercise! Hope my leg doesn't give way...
Posted by
12:42 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Back to drug testing
Here i am once again back in the hospital. Back to what i do best i guess, slacking. As i'm keying in this entry i await eagerly for the call of nature. I'm to submit my urine sample to the lab and upon passing the test, i will be allowed to consume lunch. I've not eaten for 16hrs now calculating the time since i last had something going down my gullet... One of the things i had to follow was to fast 4hrs before the tests which begn at 12pm and being me i arrived fashionably late at 1pm, considering the fact that i also woke up late at around 9.30am i wasn't allowed to take breakfast, no not as punishment but because i had to start fasting from 8am. ( Poor little stomach)
But as i try in vain to call nature it wouldn't answer damn it. Is it spoilt?? Why doesn't it come out? My water hose seems to have malfunctioned. I have dranked 4 bottles of water up to now and i am going to play pool so that i can forget about this great hunger... Sigh : [
Posted by
1:34 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
A Pissed of Lab Rat
Arrrgh another session of drugging has just passed and this time i was uber pissed of at the doctor the nurses and even one of the subjects... Yes we the guinea pigs are refered to as subjects, subject 1 and so on, i'm am subject 3. Hot under the collar you could say, why? Well they didn't want to let me go, cited something like my heart had an irregular heartbeat along with 3 other guys we all had to stay in til 2pm whereas the rest left at arnd 10am or so. Idiotic doctor, who is she to know about my own heart when i myself feel perfectly fine, and the stupid telemetry device which is supposed to monitor my heartrate is super duper sensitive la. They say that my heartbeat wasn't normal for a period of time, well that was because i was laughing, playing pool and playing game... Doing this kinda stuff increases your heart rate, and i can't just sit around the whole day doing nothing especially when they decided to monitor my heart for a couple of hours more it was suppose to end at 4pm after spending the whole day in bed, but they decide to put me on telemetry til the next morning and you expect me to lay in bed til then?
Come on i've done so many things that have probably made my heart stop over the years things that are quite crazy that i would have never dreamt of doing if not for my ns liability. Probably when i had my first military static line jump out of the damn plane the C-130, my heart could have stopped maybe for like a second or so and to tell me that lying in bed the whole time feeling no pain whatsoever you telling me that my heart has an irregular beat. Even the subject whose heart stopped for like 6 seconds was allowed to go home at the stipulated time and you're making me stay back just because my beat is irregular? Well for all the trouble i had better get compensated with a few hundred at least heh :]
Haha i also played soccer on saturday, finally on the pitch, boy was i shag. I couldn't run at all, my fitness has dropped tremondously over the past 3 months of inactivity. Looks like i have to build up my fitness again. I even missed a sitter, i had beaten the last man in one amazing move and had the goalkeeper at my mercy but it seems like time stood still as at that very moment i didn't know what to do... And the rightback came and stole the ball off me... : [
I always seem to miss all this simple goals... Why?? Probably i become too complacent. Well next week we have an important match coming up with forza. Hmmm if i'm not wrong the name of my team is "Nitro Revolution" Haha what sort of name is that hehe. Aig Its better than "Always happy" the team that we beat 4-1 and who lie at the bottom of the table, i wonder how they stay happy?? Good thing is that i didn't feel any pain whatsoever in my leg, so thats good news, time to build on my fitness.
Anyway today marks the end of the exams for my dearly beloved, finally we get to spend time together. Lets not bicker over small things hookay? Can't wait to see you Ms smartypants! Good luck for your paper today, this is your not so bright wordsmith signing off...
Posted by
10:36 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
A good match??
VIRGO AND CAPRICORN - A harmonious pair. Capricorn's ambition and drive for success meshes well with Virgo's perfectionism and energy. Both are diligent, disciplined, and have a sense of purpose. They admire one another and take great pride in pleasing each other. Both need respect and approval (though neither will confess this), and each intuitively gives the other exactly that. Sexual compatibility becomes a mutual achievement; in lovemaking, though, Capricorn usually takes the lead.
P.S : Hmmm Ms C i think that sounds pretty much like a good match ain't it??
Posted by
10:55 AM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Is this it?
You say that watching sacha and michael's so called unique relationship has got you wondering... probably about us, well i don't know what you're thinking about, but to me it seems quite ominous now, the black clouds are gathering outside my window. Crazy thoughts are running through my mind for i do not know what's going to happen, thou inside my head it has already dawned upon me for what might actually happen its just left for you to unleash those words upon me and for reality to come crashing down on me...
For if you really feel that way then i cannot stop you, i guess it would be for the better and for you to be on your way to hopefully find that unique love that you crave for, cause if it seems that i'm not that person destined for you then i cannot change fate. I probably didn't want to say anything on the eve of your paper cause you'd probably be to distracted to study. Well if you read this i hope you let me in on whats weighing on your mind...
Anyway i hope you did well in your paper, wanted to call you but i guess you wouldn't wanna hear from me.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
Finally its back with me...
The item that has been sorely missed and the one that marks my return to the cilvilian world, i'm now an operationally ready Nsman. Haha [ : Thats sounds so good on the ears doesn't it. Well they always said dun worry your time will come and reassuring as that sounded it took a pretty long for that time to arrive. Well now that i'm officially out of army i probably am headed towards resuming my studies. I'm not sure yet as to where i'm going but we'll see where the crossroads will take me to...
Anyway i'm going to malaysia now for a short trip probably do some shopping and have dinner there... Haha don't have the need to apply for an exit permit. Wonderful!
[ :
Posted by
12:48 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The day the earth shook...
Today at around 6.15 am i'm quite sure the earth shook as most of singaporeans lay asleep in the comforts of their homes. It lasted for about 4 to 7 secs if i'm not wrong... cause for one moment i was thinking that that the train has arrived! What was that about?? I'm not sure too but apparently i thought i was at the train station waiting for the train! I woke up to see that i was in bed and realised that the ground on which my flat stood on was actually trembling, for a moment you could say that i was filled with a sudden surge of fear as all kinds of thoughts came screaming into my mind. Thoughts like my flat crumbling to the ground causing a chain effect, kind of something like a domino effect!!
Anyway was watching Tab tv last night, it was an episode about teenage sex, its about true life encounters, of which people will have problems digesting in the ever conservative singapore . Last night featured an episode where there was two guests, mainly Spg (sarong party girl) and some dude. Spg considered what she does as promiscuous as to having random partners but why not just stick to one guy? i mean find someone that you really like and if it would be better to sleep with them than just some random guy you meet in the club, but seriously is your sexual craving that high? I mean i don't really see gals as the ones who have sexual desires, its more like the guys who desire sex.
And damn there was this other guest, this indian guy, what the f*** was he talking about. Couldn't you have choosen a guy who could have at least spoken the language with some proficiency. Not that i wanna stereotype indian guys but i'm one too... I mean there are lots of other guys out there who have had sex but why this guy?? He was rambling on about sleeping with some prostitute and the answers that he gave were quite stupid and should i say embarrassing for indian guys out there, let alone any guy be it black brown pink yellow purple or white. I remember one question "what if the girl he had sex with got pregnant" and he said something like being young and something about not being 25 years old where supposedly you become more responsible. As for spg i know that probably you are one of many girls out there who sleep around and i hope for your sake that you don't depict you as a whore or anything cause if they do then there are lots of gals who have probably slept more than you have. You just brave enough to show your face in public something which i probably wouldn't be able to do if i were in your situation. But kudos to you...
Anyway had supper last night with my friends, it was great! We had a great laugh about nitin having to enlist soon, 3rd of june to be exact! What the hell is the government thinking anyway? Its world cup season man, let people enjoy 1st... [ : Well juz too bad dude. The much publicised topic of dunking was brought up and 4 of us who had finished NS told nitin that dunking was something everyone had to go through with, its like an obligation you had to fulfil and boy was he scared. We even told him that the head was stuffed into a toilet bowl and you had to survive for a few mins and so he seemed ready or at least mentally ready to go through with it til at least when he said that it seems "FUN" thats when we burst out laughing... What the hell was fun to get your head stuffed into the toilet bowl?? Anyway hope he loses weight before he goes in... He's like 115kg hope to get him down to 100kg before our sssc soccer tournament...
Training to be soldier!!
Fight for our land ! [ :
Posted by
10:27 AM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Arggh canulate me bitch!
Arrgghh the worst part of doing clinical research other than the risks is getting cannulated! Well to get cannulated is quite painful not to mention quite irritating... Cannulation is actually a profess where they insert a cannula into (a bodily cavity, duct, or vessel), as for the drainage of fluid or the administration of medication, in my case its for drawing of blood and do it several times, too much for my liking. Well as you can see in the picture its not a pretty sight. The other thing that annoys me is telemetry, but i guess that device will probably save my life if my heart happens to stop, cause this is where they do cardiac monitoring from a central monitoring station. The department is responsible for monitoring the heart rate and rhythms for changes and possible cardiac events, probably this is what monitered my friends heart when it stopped, of which i took a photo. They moniter our hearts for like 8hrs++ where we are not allowed to move abt or even use our handphones, cause it would cause discrepancies in the system.
And so dude i'm glad that nothing happened to you, well it would probably be better if you stop here man, hopefully nothing happens to me or any of the other guys...6 secs is a pretty long time for ones heart to stop,
i'm glad it decided to kick start itself... [ :
Take care dude!
Posted by
7:10 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Dead man walking!
Well the chronicles of the lab rat continues this week as i'm in here again, the medical research thingy that i got myself into... It got me wondering if i should be risking my life for such a small sum of money, is my life that cheap? Probably not as i would see my self worth more... Well than you could ask what got me pondering on this now after i'd signed along the dotted line long ago. Well at approximately 10.53am the guy that i got to tag along with me passed away... Thats right he actually died!! But fortunately for me and most definately for him his heart stopped for like 6secs... WtF????!! Man was i relieved to hear that he decided to rejoin us in this parallel universe! I mean what would i do, i would feel uber guilty and upset on asking to tag along with me on this research if he had passed. Well i hope this experience of his is something that i would not have to go through... Dying is not on my agenda right now i still have too many things to do, even if it is for a few secs. Anyway the guy that "died" got kicked out of the test, well not exactly kicked out but was told that it would be better if he pulled out from the test, anyway he would probably be reimbursed with a few hundred... A few hundred in my opinion is not enough for that kind of experience. I think its better anyway dude, its for your own safety. I mean we've probably risked our lives in ways greater compared to this in army itself, like jumping of planes and stuff but to die like that is definately not what a person would one.
Anyway you don't look too good better go back home and rest!
Are you sure you're feeling fine dude?? You look sick....
Well got a headache now actually but decided not to inform the staff here, probably just a normal headache. Going to play for cheng's team morrow, gonna test out my leg finally..! Hmmm hopefully can get a few goals!
Anyway Ms C missing you mucho mucho!!! Don't study too hard dearie since your head hurts. See ya soon....
Posted by
8:16 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
24 / 7
Yes 24/7 is the date of my next medical appt!! Thats like how long away, it seems like ages away and now is just the beginning of april... And the doctor has told to not jump and do strenuous activities... Oh no that means no soccer for me?? Just when i'm about the most bored guy with no job and nothing to do... Or i can choose to be oblivious to what the doc said, he told me to rest for 1 more month before i proceed to light jogging then antoher 2 months before i return for another appointment where he would officially give the thumbs up for me to start exercising again. What shall i do...? For i shall not be able to resist longer but what holds me back is the fact that a slight knock or a bad tackle would send back to the operating table. Hmmm so how??? before 24/7 i'd probably be an old man, retired with grandchildren... Well the signs look ominous, for my leg that is cause i'd probably start playing soccer soon enough...
Posted by
5:25 PM
Ohh Cookies...!
Oh wat a surprise... Ms Smartypants got me subway cookies... Hmmm wat shld i say? Thank you mucho mucho, well tats me acting cute for you so dun get irritated with me okay. Can't remember my favourite sandwich thou is it the italian B.M.T or was it some steak thingy..? i think it was steak and cheese if theres one with that name, its been a while since i had subway. I guess probably because there isn't a franchise near my place, well there was but it had to close down i guess business was pretty bad or something. I'm assuming people didn't warm up to the subway concept then, but man who doesn't like subway! Its like they make the best sandwiches ever!! And best of all its super fresh. The freshly baked bread plus fresh food not to mention its low fat probably why Ms C loves it as well, and best of all its all custom made i mean you have your own choices of the bread you wanna use all the way to the veggies and etc... Plus the cookies are heavenly are they low fat too?? :]
Anyway thank you mucho mucho again!
By the way i had a HIV test done recently, it was done to check my immune system on whether the disease had somehow found its way into my system... Its not that i've been sleeping around but i've got bad news as well as good news. ] : I'm sorry but how do i put it, the results are out and i didn't do too well, The gave me 2 negatives ( -ve ) ' s so does that make a positive +ve?? Well as for the bad news i've to wait another 6 days for my pink i/c.... ] :
Anyway today is the day that i 'm going for my medical review to find out whether i'm actually allowed to start playing soccer again! Well i hope the doctor gives me good news... And as for my choice i've decided on banking and finance... Hope all goes well, but its weird i've yet to receive my confimation from Nus and Ntu...
Posted by
8:46 AM